
Here are some links to Organizations, Associations and Publications that major goals are to Promote, Publicize, Teach and increase the Barter Industry image to the Worldwide Business Community while helping to Educate Barter Industry participants as to the best methods for increased profitability. Please Visit them to learn more about the Barter and Trade Industry!

The National Association of Trade Exchanges!

NATE is an organization of trade exchange owners from the U. S. and around the world. As a continually improving, member-driven organization, NATE offers their members additional benefits such as national and regional meetings and accreditation opportunities. The members of the board welcome you to find out more about NATE and look for a member exchange near you.

BarterNews - magazine has been the voice of the industry since 1980. It is written by industry practitioners and is regarded worldwide as the voice of the industry.

BarterNews - mission is to keep you abreast of what is happening by giving it’s readers up to date information on the changes and evolution of barter—a proven business tool.

BarterNews - shows you, through stimulating editorials, how your Company can profit by the use of Barter in many ways and forms and increase your bottom line profits.

If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner doing retail business or a large Corporation they will show you how Corporate Barter Transactions can increase your Business and Improve your Cash Flow!

Even if you deal Internationally or are a major corporation that engages in Counter-Trades, you can benefit from the vast knowledge that BarterNews brings to the table.

International Reciprocal Trade Association

The Mission of IRTA is to advance the Barter Industry Worldwide and raise the value of Barter and Trade to the Business Community and World Economy. They embrace five main goals: To Lead, teach, promote, self-regulate and increase the Profitability of Barter and Trade Industry participants.